1 - Konstantin

To be completely honest, I took this photo before I started this project, but I chose to include it for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it was an example of how I wanted to shoot this project - a tight, landscape headshot with a shallow depth of field. Secondly, it hit one of the reasons I wanted to start this project - to meet new and interesting poeple.

I was in Dreseden for a weekend trip while teaching overseas, where there was an anti-nazi rally going on. Apparently there was some nazi gathering in Dresden, and everyone there wanted them out, and surrounded the train station. My roommate at the hostel told me about this, and I took his advice in checking it out.

After walking around and shooting some of the people and interactions at the rally, I met Konstantin on my way back to the hostel. We chatted for the last couple of blocks back, and before we parted ways, we took photos of each other. The blurry shapes behind him are the riot police and their trucks blocking the road.